Pendeta Jerman, Rolland Weisselberg Lakukan Aksi Bunuh Diri Dengan Membakar Diri Karena Banyak Jemaatnya Masuk Islam

Seorang Pendeta bunuh diri dgn membakar diri, setelah mengetahui banyaknya jemaat Kristen masuk Islam, itulah keputusan Rolland Weisselberg, Pendeta Jerman,73 thn mengakhiri hidupnya.Yg dituding adanya Islamisasi Eropa

Uskup Axel Noack, terkejut dgn peristiwa tragis tersebut dan menegaskan bahwa motif untk bunuh diri hanya memperumit masalah, dan berharap bahwa urusan dan pertanyaan tentang bagaimana orang Kristen harus berhubungan dgn umat Islam tidak akan menyebabkan kerusuhan. Demikian harian Brusselsjournal, Jerman melaporkan

Berita Resmi harian Brussels selengkapnya di:

Bahwa kenaikan Muallaf yg sangat signifikan di Eropa membuat Kristen menggeliat, setelah mencurahkan dana, tenaga bahkan militer besar-besaran, dari memberi bantuan indomie, membuka situs FFI (Faith Freedom Indonesia) sampai membuat kekacauan disana sini untk memojokkan citra Islam, dan berharap semua masuk Kristen, tapi proyek Kristenisasi ini gagal total.

berikut kutipan Aslinya:

The Islamization of Europe: Vicar Sacrifices Himself. Others Sacrifice Others

On Tuesday a Lutheran vicar set himself alight in the German town of Erfurt. The 73 year old Roland Weisselberg poured gasoline over himself and set fire to himself in the Erfurt monastery, where Martin Luther took his monastic vows in 1505. Tuesday was a national holiday in parts of Germany to celebrate the Protestant Reformation. Bystanders rushed to extinguish the flames. Weisselberg later died of his injuries.
In a farewell letter to his wife the vicar wrote that he was setting himself on fire to warn against the danger of the Islamization of Europe. During the past four years the vicar had frequently expressed his concern about the expansion of Islam, urging the Lutheran Church to take this issue seriously. As the fire started the vicar cried: “Jesus and Oskar!” Oskar Brüsewitz was a 47-year old German vicar who died after setting himself on fire 30 years ago, on 18 August 1976, in the market square of the German town of Zeitz in protest against the Communist regime in East Germany. Both Erfurt and Zeitz are situated in the former East German province of Saxony.
Axel Noack, the Lutheran Bishop of Saxony, said he is shocked by the tragic event in Erfurt. Bishop Noack emphasized that the motive for the suicide complicates matters. He said he hopes that the affair and the question of how Christians should relate to Muslims will not lead to unrest. The Bishop emphasized that Christians reject a culture war. “Fear of other cultures is the result of our own insecurity,” he said, adding that since there are not many Muslims in what was once East Germany, there is not much of a debate about Islam there.
Another famous case of self-immolation in Europe was that of Jan Palach, a Czech student who sacrificed his life in Prague in 1969 to protest the Communist occupation of his country.
While some set themself alight others in contemporary Europe sacrifice others. Last Saturday Mama Galledou, a 26-year old Senegalese medical student, suffered severe burns in an arson attack by Muslim thugs, a.k.a. “youths,” on a public transport bus in the French city of Marseille. Muslim thugs have torched eight buses in France during the past days. They hijack the vehicles and empty jerrycans of gasoline into them. Sometimes they allow the passengers to get off first, sometimes they do not.

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4 Responses to "Pendeta Jerman, Rolland Weisselberg Lakukan Aksi Bunuh Diri Dengan Membakar Diri Karena Banyak Jemaatnya Masuk Islam"

  1. sumber wikipedia:

  2. kristen harusnya nyadar diri di Barat Gereja udah padah kosong melompong.. jemaatnya pada masuk Islam gereja-gereja banyak dijual. makanya segera masuk Islam biar selamat.. liat tuh pendeta ampe bakar diri gara-gara frustasi... kwkwkwkwkwk

  3. Dalam injil banyak sekali kontradiksi antara satu ayat dengan ayat yang lain. Tetapi orang barat yang notabene lebih intelek toh ternyata tidak mau menerima kenyataan bahwa injil banyak kesalahan dan pantas untuk ditinggalkan. sungguh terlalu..........

  4. itulah kebesaran sang pencipta langit dan bumi dan seluruh isinya,prediksi 10 tahun kedepan penduduk bumi 99% muslim.terimakasih artikelnya sangat mudah di cerna akal sehat
